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RPA Mailbag

As the RPA continues to grow and our cause is communicated across the country people like to voice their opinion or just let us know how they think we are doing. We receive a lot of correspondance from retired players, fans and supporters of the RPA. The RPA Mailbag is where we will share some of those letters and other correspondance with you.

Check the page often as we get tons of mail!!

To read the correspondance, click on the Subject link.

  Date Subject Author
  7/2/2011 Retired players group threatens settlement talks - NFL - Yahoo! Tom Jeffrey
  6/22/2011 Thank you to all the participants at the Washington D.C. conference Carl Eller
  6/14/2011 Letter to the NFL Commissioner from Freeman White Jr. Freeman White Jr.
  5/27/2011 Former NFL players: Speak now or forever hold your peace! Woody Campbell
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